Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama: Nomination: A Picture of Diversity: What will be said?

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The facts about the man: President Obama is diverse in his own right. Born to a white mother, a black father, one from the United States the other from Africa. He was raised mostly in Hawaii by a single parent (his mother) and his grandparents. Graduated from New York’s Columbia University and Harvard Law School, first black editor and president of the Harvard Law Review, a civil rights lawyer, a constitutional law instructor, author, father, brother, spouse...and so much more.

The facts about the nominee: Judge Sonia Sotomayor, born to parents that were both from Puerto Rico, she grew up in South Bronx projects, graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University. She obtained her J. D. degree from Yale Law School where she was editor of the law journal, a former prosecutor, private attorney, a federal judge for the Southern District of New York, and the first Puerto Rican woman to serve as a U. S. Circuit Court judge. She is 54, divorced with no children……..and more qualified than any sitting supreme court nominee at the time of their nomination...and so much more.

I say……… President Obama I applaud you…….sounds like a great person for the job to me.

What a picture?………A picture of diversity!…….A picture with President Obama the first African American president, announcing the appointment of the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice joined by Vice President Joe Biden, who is white........!

What a country!……..What will be said????……..Lots!!!……….But let us stay focused, they work for us!.......Concentrate on getting the facts, getting the job done, and getting the economy and the country back on track.

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