Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bipartisan Health Care Summit-Boom or Bust?

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Let's call it a draw!........Good discussion......... Same talking points.

President Obama was very clear...There is NO STARTING OVER!

There is still a fundamentally different view. Democrats want more uninsured covered (30million) at the lowest possible cost and Republicans want to start over, cover 3 million uninsured and take small steps.

It appears both sides were able to agree on some items:

1. Preventing waste and fraud in Medicare and Medicaid
2. Working on medical malpractice reform
3. Reforming the insurance market
4. Giving individuals more choices in coverage
5. Giving small business the opportunity to pool coverage for their employees
6. Consider being able to purchase insurance across states

Pass the health care bill, we don't expect it to be perfect. If it needs repair, lets hope it won't take another 100 years to repair it.

Americans have waited long enough, lets get the job done!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

BAH--Mortgage Mess

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The “Covenant of Mortgage” is already broken where I come from--the birthplace of the Foreclosure Crisis. We moved from the Midwest to the East Coast in January. In my cozy Ohio neighborhood three houses sit empty because owners walked away. Now my old house is underwater not worth what we paid for it four years ago. I admit there are times we want to walk away but we don’t think it is the right thing to do. So we pay rent here and mortgage there hoping that a first-time homebuyer or responsible renter will surface..

Now Banks and Speculators simply walk away from their obligations with impunity. Our mortgage company probably won’t budge on the principal. We qualify for interest rate relief but suspect they fail to tell you there is are significant hidden costs on the back end.

This is another case of Who you are--Big Banker-- trumping What you do--Paying Homeowner. Now Mr, Civic Journalist … unleash your Truth Squad to find solutions for your readers.. ..

Thursday, February 11, 2010

WellPoint Earns $4.75 Billion Profit- Raises Health Care Cost 39%

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An article on Yahoo's Finance page, about WellPoint supports President Obama's concerns about the huge increases in the cost of health care.

The article also supports concerns about the justification and validity of the increases, clearly making you wonder if the sky is the limit when it comes to health care costs!

Go to the address below and read for yourself!........Obama Respect!

WellPoint price hike defense fails to satisfy feds

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Democrat Late Senator Ted Kennedy's Seat Goes Republican

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The late Senator Edward M. Kennedy (Ted Kennedy) the lion of the Senate held the Democrat Massachusetts Senate seat for nearly 50 years. Today GOP's Scott Brown takes the win.

.............Obama respect or disrespect?..............

How will this effect health care reform? 57 Democrat seats in the
Senate vs. 60? (There are 41 Republicans and 2 Independents)

.............Obama respect or disrespect?...............

Still seems pretty high to me. Did Bush have this many Republican seats in the the Senate?

I don't think so.............. but he still managed to pass his tax cuts.

What do you think?

Hope You Enjoyed the Holidays!

(read post then click on New Post link at top of page)

"Get Ready for OBAMA in 2010"